Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday thrilled fans during an event in a global village in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Superstar’s videos and pictures quickly went viral on social media while entertaining the audience, showing his attraction and signature Karisma.
Shahrukh Khan talks about his age
In a clip shared by Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club on X (East), the actor reflected his age while addressing the audience. He said, “I am getting 60 years old in another year this year, but I look like 30. I just want to tell you, ‘The main kuchin forgets, Hoon Yaar (I forget some things I go). “
SRK says, ‘I am 60 years old this year, but curse, I look like 30,’ and we cannot disagree. He is making age irrelevant!@IAMSRK @Globalvillagae @Khaleejtimes #global village #SHUKHKHAN #SRK #King khan #Dubai #Dubaiglobalvillage #Srkindubai #King
– Shahrukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@Srkuniverse) 26 January, 2025
Opens about Shahrukh King
Speaking at the event, Shah Rukh shared a glimpse of his upcoming film, King“I’m not shooting it here, I am shooting it in Mumbai when I go back in a few months. My director, who is Siddharth Anand, is very strict. He made it. PlateauSo he is very strict.
He said, “Don’t tell people about the film, what are you doing in it.” So I cannot tell you, but I can assure you that it will entertain you, you will have fun. I have used many titles … Now we are out of the title … Now Shahrukh Khan in Shahrukh Khan KingIt was a bit of a show-off. ,
big news! 🎉 Shahrukh Khan confirms @JustSidanand to direct #KingYou start the excitement@IAMSRK @Globalvillagae#global village #SHUKHKHAN #SRK #King khan #Dubai #Dubaiglobalvillage #Srkindubai #King
– Shahrukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@Srkuniverse) 26 January, 2025
Shahrukh’s next film, KingIt is allegedly set to include his daughter Suhana Khan and actor Abhishek Bachchan in decisive roles.
Shahrukh watched fans with film lines, songs and dances
The actor pleased the audience by reciting iconic lines from his films young, Dilwale bride leanj, MalayAnd Job is lookingAs he dances for popular songs, such as Cheers Chammak Challo, Jhoome jo pathanAnd Chaiya Chaiya,
The world can change, but the attraction and killer of SRK łooks? It is to live here. Heartthrobe forever!@IAMSRK @Globalvillagae#global village #SHUKHKHAN #SRK #King khan #Dubai #Dubaiglobalvillage #Srkindubai #King
– Shahrukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@Srkuniverse) 26 January, 2025
Shahrukh also sang DiscipleHit track from his film youngAnd invited fans on stage to interact with him. He left a permanent impression by attacking his signature currency.
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