Since the trailer of Pushpa 2: Rules The internet has been abuzz with excitement among fans since its release on Sunday. But now the trailer has found a new fan, he is none other than acclaimed filmmaker SS Rajamouli. As soon as the trailer was released, people from the fraternity praised the 2 minutes 48 seconds clip, which increased the anticipation towards the film. The man behind winning the Oscar RRR and great creation, bahubaliRajamouli shared his review of Pushpa 2 trailer on social media. See what he posted.
He wrote on
Forest fire started in Patna!!
Spreading across the country!!
EXPLOSION ON DECEMBER 5TH!!!Pushpa can’t wait for the party!!!
– Rajamouli SS (@ssrajamouli) 18 November 2024
Not just SS Rajamouli, many others from the industry also appreciated the trailer. Rishabh Shetty posted his best wishes for the film, writing, “#Pushpa2 The trailer looks huge and full of power! Best wishes to the entire team for another blockbuster!”
#pushpa2 The trailer looks huge and full of power!
All the best to the entire team for another blockbuster!#Pushpa2DarulTrailer ,
@alluarjun #sukumar @ThisIsDSP @MythriOfficial @PushpaMovie– Rishabh Shetty (@shetty_rishab) 18 November 2024
Director Harish Shankar also expressed his appreciation towards the team, writing, “Every frame reflects your hard work, and every minute detail of Pushpraj reflects your passion. The time and energy you have invested is a testament to your passion for cinema.” A clear proof of love. Salute, dear @alluarjun.”
Even cricketer David Warner posted a congratulatory message along with the poster of the film on his Instagram Stories.
The much awaited trailer of Pushpa 2: Rules It was launched in a grand program in Patna on Sunday. where does it pick up Pushpa: Rise was abandoned, and it looks to have a lot of potential to have even more action and drama than the first one. This time there are new characters also. At the event, Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna interacted with the media and posed for the shutterbugs.