1 Loose cover up with cut out top and trousers (8)
Printed 5 – and escaped(3,3)
9 Musical legends display supreme talent, primarily with respect to which musical instrument? (7)
10 Baby Paneer Roll Wrapped in Egg (7)
Deciphering 11 crossword clues? Only five (5)
12 Attracted by weird behavior (9)
13 Cain drops the vase in adultery (11)
17 Every man has room for improvement, reader: honestly! (1,7,3)
20 Central character in Dungeons & Dragons? (9)
22 Handles nuts and bread (5)
23 Flirt With Sweets (7)
24 Land – ground – no harder than mud (7)
25 Vehicles left idle: they will produce smoke (6)
26 Some priests invade Georgia, causing division there (8)
1 Being confused around flightless birds (6)
2 Scratches from old swords captured(6)
3 Scoundrels and lunatics, raised in a North Sea port(9)
4 alcoholic drinks, definitely not some of the 1917 reds (5,8)
6 Old soldier and mother visit friend in Seville (5)
7 Took place in the company, grew, improved – about right? (8)
8 difficult; struggle ends (8)
10 Delighted with ‘cake’ made of pulses (5-4,4)
14 Less well behaved; like Fanny Adams? (9)
15 The cold shock demonstration is didactic (8)
16 On LSD, this is staggering (8)
18 The President’s computer is working to suppress resistance (6)
19 Avoid the stupid hat, be the best (though only to a certain extent) (6)
21 Governor who needs a draftsman (5)
Solution No. 3307