Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rajkumar Rao’s film ‘Shrikanth’ has been released in theaters on May 10. The story of this film is based on the real life of blind entrepreneur Shrikant Bola. Actor Srikanth is playing the role of Bola in the film. The audience has shared reviews of the film on social media. Rajkumar Rao’s powerful performance is getting a lot of praise on social media.
User feedback
Talking about Rajkumar Rao’s film, A Jyotika is also a very talented actress. Some emotional moments can touch your heart.
Srikanth is a wonderful film
Another X user wrote that films like Srikanth are rarely made in Hindi film cinema. In biopic films, emotions are imposed, but in Srikanth, the struggle is shown, that too in a positive way. Rajkumar Rao didn’t play Srikanth’s character but lived it.. Great movie.
#Srikant #Rajkumarrao @Abhinetri Jyotika
“In Hindi film cinema #Srikant Such films are rarely made, but emotions are imposed in biopic films #Srikant The struggle is shown and that too in a positive manner. @Rajkumar Rao Srikanth’s character is not played but done live… Great movie.— Vijay Classes (@VIJAYCLASSES5) May 10, 2024
Watch a movie with friends and kids
Kudos to others Rajkumar Rao for their honest efforts and to Tushar Hiranandani, Nidhi and This is an important movie guys, watch it with your kids.
,#Srikant The movie is a beautiful rollercoaster ride that will make us laugh and realize how one person can achieve so many things in life! #Respect @Rajkumar Rao For his sincere efforts and #TusharhiranandaniNidhi and @Tseries Congratulations! , #Jyotika The type of stories you are a part of…
– Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) May 10, 2024
The star cast of the film
Apart from Rajkumar Rao, Srikanth Alaya F, Sharad Kelkar and Jyothika are in important roles. Bhushan Kumar, Krishna Kumar and Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani are the producers of this film. The story of this film has been written by Jagdeep Sidhu and Sumit Purohit.