Mumbai (Bureau) – It has been a year since the release of Vipul Amritlal Shah’s film ‘The Kerala Story’. This film has a strong cast like Adah Sharma, Siddhi Idnani, Yogita Bihani and Sonia Balani. The film received great acclaim and emerged as a major blockbuster. The performance of this film at the box office and the love received by the audience shows how much importance the film holds among people.
The film was loved by people all over the world and thus became a huge hit. The successful journey of The Kerala Story at the box office is unlike any other film. Without any big pre-release buzz or heavy promotions, the film speaks volumes with its content and performances and had a very impressive run at the ticket window.
The makers faced all the major challenges, and the film emerged as a triumphant success. Thus the film got the support of the audience and became a blockbuster. There were a few special screenings of the film, including one for students of the Film and Television Institute of India. Along with this, ABVP students also organized a screening for JNU students.
Kerala Story has now become a must watch movie to inform the audience about what is happening in the world. The film brings out some of the issues that humanity is facing.
Kerala Story received a lot of love from the audience even on its digital release. It received strong audience ratings on digital platforms. Apart from the box office collection of over Rs 302 crores, the film’s original content and truthfulness shook the entire country and saw a huge impact in many places.
The makers have been appreciated by the audience for bringing the real life story to the big screen. The film has emerged as a game changer at the ticket window. The film changed the way we watch movies forever after its release. Recently, a Christian diocese screened the film The Kerala Story for teenagers, after which the film became a buzz.