Priyanka Chopra’s latest Instagram post will make you laugh. The actress shared a meme featuring the popular sitcom’s iconic character Hansa Parekh A dish in South Asian cuisine made of rice and lentilsIn the video, Hansa (played by Supriya Pathak) speaks her famous dialogue: “I am tired. Mother got tired again. Mother got tired for the third time. [I am tired. I am tired again. I am tired for the third time.]LOL text above the video reads, ,I am at that stage of my life where I know why Hansa was always tired.” Priyanka might have found this post quite relevant, especially as she is busy working on projects like citadel season 2 And head of state,
On Saturday, Priyanka Chopra shared a video while going to the set. citadel Season 2. Giving fans a glimpse of his busy schedule, he mentioned that it is a working Saturday for him. In her Instagram Stories, Priyanka, dressed in a black puffer jacket, filmed herself inside a car and gave a glimpse of the vanity van parked outside. In the video, Priyanka said, “When it is a working Saturday. You know – closing, strong! Her caption read, “The Citadel.” Click here to read in detail.
Earlier, Priyanka Chopra had shared a carousel on Instagram, giving fans a glimpse of the time she spent in London with her daughter Malti Marie. The last picture caught attention because it showed a page head of state The name of Priyanka’s character Noel Bissit is at the top in the script. Other photos show the mother-daughter duo enjoying a trip to the Natural History Museum. In some of the pictures, Priyanka and Malti were captured playing outside an English manor house before visiting the museum. Malti seemed thrilled by the exhibits including preserved spiders, insects, dinosaur fossils, jaw models and even bear taxidermy. The post also showed a cozy moment where Priyanka and Malti enjoyed some pasta and drinks together. The caption reads, “In the middle of sleep. sound on. Thank you to the lovely Leon for his hospitality Natural History Museum and our guide, MM, for your expertise and patience.
except for citadel season 2 And head of statePriyanka Chopra also has it The Bluff In his lineup.