New Delhi: Not only our Bollywood celebs but almost every Indian girl looks very beautiful in six yard saree. So, recently digital content creator Mahi Sharma stepped out on the streets of Japan wearing a stunning ice-blue saree and guess what? The local people are very impressed.
She captioned her video post reading: I wore the saree in Japan and the reactions were ridiculous! I thought of wearing Indian attire on the streets of Tokyo just for fun, but didn’t expect that people would actually take photos and be so shocked. Comment your favorite reaction [Japan, India, Travel, Tokyo, Saree, Meme, Tokyo Streets]
In the viral video, we can see how many people start filming her with their camera phones and look quite impressed. She wore a blue sari with a tube blouse while keeping her long hair open and it certainly attracted enough attention on the streets of Japan and beyond.
Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt and other Bollywood stars have worn sarees at global events like Met Gala and Cannes Film Festival, leaving the onlookers in awe.
The viral has received more than 3 million views so far and around 546, 231 likes. Many appreciated the digital creator, while some also commented on how she should have worn it with a suitable blouse.