Actress Ameesha Patel made a strong comeback with a blockbuster film last year. Ghadar 2. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film saw her in the iconic role of Sakina, opposite Sunny Deol in the role of Tara Singh. The director’s son Utkarsh Sharma also returned as Jeeta, Tara and Sakina’s son in the highly successful sequel. Following the release of the film, Ameesha has spoken openly about her creative differences with the director on several occasions. In a recent revelation, he revealed how Anil Sharma changed the climax of the film, which originally featured Ameesha’s character killing the villain.
On Sunday, a fan of Ameesha Patel shared a YouTube link on X (formerly Twitter), claiming that Anil Sharma had originally planned that Ameesha’s character would kill the villain in the climax of the film. However, the director made last-minute changes to highlight his son Utkarsh Sharma. Tagging Ameesha Patel, the fan wrote, ‘We want to know if this is true.’
In response, Ameesha Patel said, “Yes, Sakina was told by the director that she would kill Villian, but the climax shoot happened without my knowledge. let it go. Anil ji is a family man and he knows this and I am sure he also feels bad now. Ghadar 2 History has already been created. time to move on.”
Yes, Sakina was told by the director that she will kill Villian, but the climax shoot happened without my knowledge?????????Let bygones be bygones. Anil ji is family and he knows about this and I am sure he is still feeling bad???????Gadar 2 has already created history. time to move on
– Ameesha Patel (@ameesha_patel) 17 November 2024
Earlier, Ameesha Patel had talked about how she and Anil Sharma had different ideas during the making of the first part of the film mutiny franchise, and these differences continued while working on the second installment.
“Even on the sets of Gadar, there were schedules that went on for 30-40 days during which most of the time I was not able to talk to him. [Anil Sharma] And he doesn’t know how to tell me anything [directly]This will be communicated only through Assistant Directors. We have had creative differences and that track record continues. We fight, we compromise,” the actress said Hindustan Times,
Ameesha Patel has also acted maze And A little love, a little magic. She debuted in Bollywood with Hrithik Roshan say no…i love youDirected by Rakesh Roshan.